On this day, November 10, 1969, Sesame Street debuted. This was one of my favorite children’s television shows I remember watching. At that time, there were not as many characters as they have now. I do remember my favorite Sesame Street character was Ernie. I loved how he would play jokes on his friend Bert.
Ernie kind of reminded me of my dad because he used to love playing practical jokes on me and my older sisters. He still does to this day, at age 82, likes to joke. Most of the time I don’t know when he is telling the truth. \ud83d\ude1b
To illustrate my favorite Sesame Street characters, I thought I would try and make my own Bert and Ernie out of paper. I used an oval die, 1″ punch and 1\/2″ punch. For Bert and Ernie’s eyes, I used a 1\/2″ punch and a die that cuts out snowballs. Bert’s nose was a simple free hand cut since I did not have a small enough die or punch in an oval shape. For the hair, I used the same oval die I used for their heads and with my Edward Scissorhands cutting skills, I gave them spiky hair. LOL! <\/p>\n\n\n\n